Mr. Ramanou
Mr. Kouferidji is currently the President and Director
General of the Groupe Africoncept Broadcast Telecom SA. He
is also Director of Radio Afrique Espoir based in
Porto-Novo, Benin. Radio Afrique Espoir was a winner of 2003
AISI Media Awards under the Radio Category.
Ms. Cristina Muller
Communication Officer, Economic and Social Policy Division,
Cristina Muller was environment correspondent/editor for O
Estado de SPaulo, one of Brazil's most reputed dailies, she
also worked for the Associated Press as a Night Editor in
Rio de Janeiro, and for Rio daily Jornal do Brasil as its
Middle Eastern correspondent, first based in Cairo and then
Jerusalem. From the Middle East, Ms Muller went to Angola,
on a year's assignment as correspondent for Reuters during
that country's civil war. Since 1996 Ms Muller has worked
intermittently as a print and web journalist/editor and for
the UN system in the UK, Brazil, Caracas, Washington, Rome,
South Africa, and Angola. Having lived as a child in the
United States, Haiti and Brazil, she holds a BA in English
and German from Allegheny College. She was also a Ford
Fellow at the School for International and Development
Research (SIDR), at Duke University, both in the United
States. More recently, she received a Masters degree in
Social and Political Thought from the University of Sussex,
in the UK. She is currently a Communication Officer for the
Economic and Social Development Programme of the UN's
Economic Commission for Africa, based in Addis Ababa.
Dr. Olivier Nana
Professor/Consultant, Institute Superieur de Management
Public, Yaounde - Cameroon
Holder of a
Ph.D. in communication from University of Montreal (Canada),
Dr Olivier NANA NZEPA is also holder of M.A. in
International relations from ENAP (Montreal); M.A in
Business management (H.E.C. Montreal); in communication
(University of Montreal) and a Bachelor in journalism from
University of Yaounde (Cameroon).
He is actually Professor/Consultant, in Public Management at
the Institute Superieur de Management Public (Yaounde -
Cameroon) and ICT lecturer with the Advanced School of mass
communication (University of Yaounde II).
His involvement in the WSIS process dates back from the
beginning and covers a large variety of activities
(advocacy, research, social activities etc.).
He is currently ICT Expert for: Atos KPMG consulting (for
west and central Africa); UNDP; UNESCO; UNECA; CIDA;
His social engagement covers a variety of responsibilities:
General coordinator of the Africa Civil Society for
Information Society (ACSIS); Africa Region focal point on
the International Civil Society Bureau for the WSIS; Member
of the Africa Bureau representing Civil society; member of
the RALO Africa, member of AT Large committee and NCUC of
ICANN. Editor of a French quarterly dedicated to the
Information Society titled " Le defi numerique".
Mr. Timothy Spence
Fellow, The Knight International Press Fellowship
Program/International Centre for Journalists, Washington DC
Timothy Spence is a Knight International Press Fellow and
visiting instructor at the Unity University College School
of Journalism and Communication in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He
has been a reporter, editor and editorial writer for
newspapers in the United States and overseas in his 22-year
career. He is currently on leave from the Washington, D.C.,
bureau of the Hearst Newspapers.
Mr. Roland Stanbridge
Roland Stanbridge teaches courses for international
journalists at both Stockholm Universikty and Orebro
University in Sweden.
Mr. Stanbridge is a citizen of South Africa with
considerable expertise and knowledge on media and ICT
issues, working as a journalist for several major South
African newspapers between 1965 and 1997. Mr Stanbridge has
an MA degree in African Studies from the University of Cape
Town (1977) and is currently a doctoral student in
journalism and communication at the University of Stockholm
(JMK), Sweden. Whilst in Sweden, he is a part-time
media/communication lecturer for three Swedish universities
(KSM, Campus Norrköping, and University of Linköping),
including supervising MA students and teaching a variety of
Internet-related courses including a course for African
journalists on online research and publishing. He has just
been appointed Director of International Masters Programme
in Global Media in the Department of Media and Communication
at the University of Örebro, Sweden, which will offer course
in 2003 to media professionals from Africa and other parts
of the world. Mr Stanbridge is also developing a project to
link Swedish media researchers with African scholars for
joint research activities on pressing media questions,
focusing on academic research on ICT and media issues in
Africa. From 1996 to 2001 Mr. Stanbridge was senior lecturer
at the Department of Journalism & Media Studies, Rhodes
University, South Africa where he is reputed to have founded
the New Media Laboratory (NML), and appointed its Director
teaching online literacy to undergraduate students and media
practitioners as well as more advanced levels in Computer
Aided Research (CAR) and Internet Publishing courses. Whilst
at Rhodes, he initiated and convened the Highway Africa
series of annual conferences over the last five years and
was the founding member of the South African chapter of the
Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) and a board
Ms. Benedicte Walter
Editor, Office of Policy and Programme Coordination and
Officer-in-Charge, ECA Communication Team. Former Programme
Officer for the European Youth Forum.